Outer Wonders demo will be released on April 16th!

Outer Wonders demo will be released on April 16th!


Hi! We're publishing this blog post today to make a last-minute announcement about the playable demo of Outer Wonders, which will be landing on April 16th on itch.io instead of the originally scheduled date (April 2nd).

The situation

We are aware that the playable demo of Outer Wonders was set to be released on Friday, as announced in the February issue of This month in Outer Wonders, but several observations on a human level have led us to delay this release:

  • the majority of the team works on Outer Wonders in addition to a full-time job, making the pace of work quite intense;
  • this same team has not had taken any time off since the 2020 holiday season and therefore needs more time off.

Based on this, we had two possible options:

  • release the playable demo on April 2nd in a working, yet incomplete state. We would then complete it and refine as we move along;
  • delay the release of the playable demo to create a more complete and better-tested experience.

New release date for the playable demo: April 16th

The reason why we're publishing this blog post is because we went for the second option, that is, delay the release of the playable demo of Outer Wonders, until April 16th.

We believe this was the right decision to make:

  • for you, because this means we will be able to make a plyable demo that you will enjoy even more;
  • for us, in order to have a saner and more sustainable pace of work: numerous people have voiced legitimate concerns about crunch time in the past, as we need to keep such practices away from our industry so we can fully express our passion and creativity. A saner pace of work means a better game for you.

In order to wrap up the making of the playable demo of Outer Wonders, we are taking a short break from this blog until the release of the demo. We look forward to seeing many of you for the next blog post, on April 16th, for the release of the demo!

And this concludes this blog post! Make sure to check out blog post on April 16th, to play the demo of Outer Wonders! In the meantime, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to read our news and play weekly puzzles! Subscribe to our RSS feed to keep informed about our latest blog posts. A Discord community server is also on the way.

À bientôt !